It is your birthright to thrive on earth.

Meet Makenzie, Chiefess Custodian of @kakaodrinkingchocolate and @plantofpeace

Makenzie is a serial entrepreneur, known for bringing the first dessert hummus to national grocery store shelves and scoring a deal with Mark Cuban on ABC's Shark Tank.

Over the course of the last decade, Makenzie has become respected for her innovative approach to conscious leadership and heart-centered business. Most notably, Makenzie has immersed herself into training with various indigenous tribes, shamans, healers, plant medicines and awakening technologies across the globe.

Makenzie is the Founder of KAKAO Drinking Chocolate and Plant of Peace, and travels around the world to teach about the power of ceremonial-grade cacao and 'awa (Hawaiian kava).

Makenzie's mission is to share her light and inner peace with as many people as possible, in the prayer that all of humanity remembers who they really are.

Take a peek inside Makenzie's offerings from her 1:1 ceremonies, events and books.

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